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R o l e p l a y   R u l e s 

I.  T-1 (a.k.a. Para-RP) is highly encouraged and preferred.  It is asked of all players, however--to do their best in avoiding one liners and bland posts.

i.  Tier 1, also called Type 1, Technique 1 or Textual style 1 by some, is informally known as "paragraph role-play". A paragraph is a short piece of writing of about 200 words. Depending on the type and size of the font, the length of the words, and the size of your page/screen, the amount of lines can actually vary. You can recognize T1 not only through post length, however. Writing paragraphs brings along a certain style: people write more as if it's a story, write with description and detail, add thoughts, use quotation marks for speech and proper punctuation (LusioPartis).

II.  Entrances are required upon arrival for all players. 

i. This is to smoothly transition into the role play and to let others know of your purpose for entering the room. If for some reason you come in unprepared, or prefer to get a feel of what's going on in the room before diving in-- let those know (in brackets) that an entrance is being prepared.

ii. It is also required for players to check the About section on this website to verify weather conditions, state of the econcomy, as well as the current state of the surrounding lands.

III.  Out of Character (OOC)

i. When a role play is in session, all players must be sure to distinguish when they are out of character. This can be done with [Brackets], (Parentheses) or some other method that is clear to all players.

IV.  Respect all Players

i. Respect to one another  is expected at all times. If at any time any sort of misconduct (including but not limited to: disrespect, bullying harassment, etc.) occurs--depending on the severity, it can result in temporary suspension or permanent banishment from the role play. 

V.  Style of Role Play

i.  This role play is fantasy/medieval based (compare to The Lord of the Rings), and all players are to respect this fact. All modern and futuristic actions/style/equipment/etc. are not allowed whatsoever. If you are unsure whether or not something is allowed, be sure to contact Queen Emma and/or King Episteros with your questions.

VI.  Avatar Requirements

i. As much as it may inconvenience some, it is highly recommended that your avatars reflect your character's appearence as closely as possible. It is understood that the catalog does not include everything you may desire for your character, so please be sure to include these details when posting entrances or other posts in general.


ii. Avatar KB must be kept at approximately 3,000 kb in order to prevent lag/crashes within the public room/during the RP. 


iii. Excessive animations and attire (i.e. trigger magics, flying pets, etc.) that last more than a few seconds are not allowed. If you are unsure about whether or not something you own can be used in the room, please contact Queen Emma (Limerence) in a private chat. 


iv. Voice boxes are not allowed.


v. Music can be played only if it fits the time period and you are given direct permission by the King/Queen and/or all current players in the vacinity.

VII.  Bootable Offenses

i. Breaking the IMVU Terms of Service.


ii. Being disrespectful towards other players.


iii. Breaking any of the RP rules above.


iv. Fighting out-of-character with other players in the midst of role play.


v. Spamming/Trolling.


vi. Godmodding is not allowed at any time.


vii. Advertising is not allowed.


viii. Parking in a full room.


a. You will be given a chance to load into the room and post-- but if you are silent for more than 10 minutes you will be booted.

VII.  Banable Offenses

i. Banning is a last resort--but if one breaks any of the room/rp rules and does not avoid breaking the bootable offenses-- you will be banned from the RP indefinitely. 

IX.  God-modding in Detail

i. God-mode, -mod, or -moding is when a "character has the ability to do practically anything without limits or boundaries" (Source)


ii. Someone is God-Modding when:


a.) A character has no known weakness.


b.) A player's character purposefully "auto-hits" in any interaction (mostly seen in combat).


c.) One player ignores another player's interaction consistently (most commonly in combat).


d.) A character's weaknesses are complex to the point that no normal player/character can achieve them.


e.) A player withods information ofhis or her character's weaknesses when information is needed for other's to progress.


f.) A player has created a complex canon or set of rules that accompany the character and claims them to be fact--and if anyone disobeys them, their

actions are void.


iii. While it is understood that not all characters are mortal in a fantasy world, every character has an Achilles hell and can be defeated in combat. Any player who enters the rom with a character whose weaknesses are nonexistent or are otherwise beyond the grasp of any other character should step aside to consider his/her character's design.


iv. To avoid God-moding, a player should...

a.) Have a clear goal in mind when starting combat other than "to win a fight" (e.g. - defending someone's honor, demanding an apology for something, etc.)


b.) Create weaknesses for a character that several players can take advantage of.


c.) Respond to all in character occurrences that involve his/her character.


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